华盛顿澳博app 和 D.C. 条澳博app publish a wide range of articles on topics of general interest to lawyers 和 members of the legal profession. With a circulation of more than 100,000, 华盛顿澳博app is received by members of the District of Columbia 酒吧, 法律图书馆, professional associations, 和 interested persons. Articles on issues of relevance to the practice of law in the District of Columbia are encouraged.
We welcome submissions from attorneys 和 other professionals who wish to share their expertise on law-related topics in 华盛顿澳博app 和 at aibesi.com. Articles must be original 和 previously unpublished.
Authors interested in writing opinion pieces are encouraged to submit a “Taking the St和” article (for the magazine or aibesi.com), which provides a forum for D.C. 酒吧 members to address issues of interest 和 importance.
Manuscripts should adhere to the following word counts:
- Law-related articles/features for the magazine: 1,500–2,000 words
- Law-related articles for dcbar.字数:800 - 1000字
- Practice areas/professional development: 800 words
- Book reviews: 800 words
For more information, email (电子邮件保护). 查看 2020 华盛顿澳博app editorial themes 和 calendar.